Is it right to build a home in thought
For someone you can’t hold, yet cradle in dreams?
To feel the weight of forbidden arms entwined,
Of a face that lingers, a voice you silently hear?
If they’re never embraced in the waking world,
How can the one who fills your mind be wrong?
Is it wrong to meet in an imaginary world,
Beyond the boundaries of right and wrong?
Who decides what’s right or wrong?
The heart, wild and untamed, whispers of names
That taste like secrets, like forbidden rain.
It calls out in the quiet moments,
Longing for what it can’t have, yet can’t forget.
Is it wrong to feel the pull of a soul unseen,
To catch a fleeting glimpse, a memory that lingers in the air?
And if it’s wrong, then where does right begin?
Who weaves the threads of desire and duty,
And why must they always pull us apart?
If love is a lawless wanderer,
Then why do we chain it with rules and lines?
Who says that to love in thought
Is a crime, while the heart still beats
For the one it cannot touch?
Is it wrong to wish, even silently,
For the sight of eyes that know your soul?
If feeling is sin, then why does it feel like home?
If even dreaming of someone and meeting in imaginary world is wrong,
Then why does it come so naturally, like breathing?
Who decides the boundaries of right and wrong
When the heart beats in shades of gray?
Is there no space for the in-between,
For those who love without permission,
Who live in the shadow of a dream?
Let the heart be tender, let it ache.
For right and wrong are fleeting winds,
But love is a fire that never truly fades,
Even in the silence of unspoken dreams.
Is it wrong? Or is it simply human
To love where love was never meant to grow?
Who decides, and does it matter,
When the heart already knows?